Workplace Conflicts and Business Productivity

Productivity can decrease significantly when key members of your business or organization have unresolved interpersonal or workplace-related issues. These conflicts can be as a result of perceived or actual employment situations, race or sex discrimination, business practices and/or conflicts related to interpersonal issues. The dynamics of these issues can cause chaos in the working environment and can destroy the morale and productivity of an organization.

Litigation can polarize members of an organization and can cost the employer and the employee countless thousands of dollars in attorney and other fees. In contrast, mediation can resolve these conflicts quickly – in most cases in a few short hours.

Mediated settlements result in agreements which are crafted by the parties, not by the courts. Statistically, parties who create their own agreements are not only more satisfied with the outcomes but they are also more likely to abide by agreements of their own design. The concerns of each party are quickly addressed, and trust can be successfully restored. The end result? Not only will the mediation process be completed in less time with lower cost and with an outcome that is more satisfactory to the participants, but you, the employer, will have more focused, more productive members of your team.

The answers to all of your questions about the mediation process can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions about Business, Organizational and Workplace Mediation section of this site. If, after reviewing these materials, you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be more than happy to give you the information that you need to decide if participating in mediation is the right choice for you.

Also remember that a website such as this is merely an introduction to my practice. In my opinion, it cannot take the place of a complimentary consultation. If you would like to meet please contact me for an appointment at either my Albany, New York office or at my Clifton Park, New York office.

Best Wishes,

Jeffrey M. Cohen, Esq.

Mr. Cohen has rendered mediation and facilitation services for and on behalf of:

  • U.S. Justice Department

  • New York State Public Employee Relations Board (PERB)

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

  • U.S. Department of the Interior

  • U.S. Forest Service

  • U.S. Park Service

  • U.S. Social Security Administration

  • Equal Opportunity Employment Commission

  • The City of Albany, New York

  • Publicly traded companies

  • Private Sector Businesses and Organizations

  • Professional Practices in the medical/dental, engineering,and legal fields

  • Partnerships

  • Native American Tribal Groups